The abysses are unknown and luxuriant places with a very particular fauna and flora. In the Mariana trench (Pacific Ocean, 11,000 meters deep), for example, every organism undergoes a hydrostatic pressure of 1064 atmospheres, that is 1064 times higher than what we undergo on the earth's surface at sea level. But for creatures that live in the abyss, pressure presses on all sides and, like the air that weighs on us, it does not disturb them. Their tissues develop in that environment, and the fluids that are inside the body acquire a pressure that creates balance with the external pressure. In these areas, due to the darkness, plant life is completely lacking. Food therefore "rains" from the upper layers. The organisms of the Mariana trench are for the most part a few centimeters long: actinia, polychaetes, holothuroids (Elpidia, Myriotrochus, Scotoplanes), bivalve molluscs, isopod crustaceans, and amphipods. At smaller depths (up to 5-6 thousand meters) there is a great variety of fish: from the abyssal monkfish to the tripod fish, to the pelican fish.
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