Apocalypse Knight - White Horse
Knights of the Apocalypse are four mythical figures named in the Apocalypse of John 6,1-8 and subsequently present in medieval culture. They are four horsemen, each tied to a misfortune, who would ride on earth on the day of the Apocalypse, marking the end of the world. Their names are: "Pestilence, War, Famine and Death"
The four horsemen would not be carriers of freedom in the land of Israel but would bring ruin and destruction all over the world starting the End of the World.In the apocalypse the four horsemen are represented as intangible and inevitable evils that humanity will carry on until result in the total perdition of mankind.
The first of the four horses brings with him an archer on horseback, therefore skilled in the use of weapons, a symbol of war supremacy.
A comparison with Psalm 45 verses 4 to 7, which speaks of the coming of the Messiah, highlights remarkable similarities. John, who knew this Psalm well, at the sight of the first horseman most likely thought of the Messiah Jesus Christ. The interpretation of many is therefore that the rider on the white horse is none other than Jesus Christ in his second coming as King crowned by God to execute judgment. Hyperlink: where do we find another white horse then? in Revelation. This knight is therefore JESUS, who in Revelation 1:16 has a sharp double-edged sword and in Revelation 19:11 fights with justice.
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