Horseman of the Apocalypse - Death
«When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living being that said:« Come ». And behold, a greenish horse appeared to me. The one who rode it was called Death and Hell followed him. They were given power over the fourth part of the earth to exterminate with the sword, with hunger, with the plague and with the beasts of the earth. "(Revelation 6, 7-8)
This corpse-colored horse carries a rider called Death on its back. Here in particular it seems to refer to the pestilence, an additional meaning of the Greek thanatos used expressly in the closing of the verse. Also in this case, precise limits to destruction are highlighted. According to the Apocalypse, hell would follow him. This could mean that the fourth horseman is the god of death himself, who passes after the other horsemen to collect their victims.

Armada Art nasce nel Novembre del 2014 con l’intento di produrre gioielli custom dall’alto valore artigianale.
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Ogni gioiello è al 100% fatto a mano in Italia senza l’utilizzo di stampa 3d o di stampi prodotti in serie.
Il nostro obiettivo è di produrre gioielli che vengano vissuti come vere e proprie opere d’arte da indossare.