All fish of the genus Hippocampus have the same physical characteristics and are distinguished from the various fish. The physical structure is centered on a vertical rather than a horizontal axis, so seahorses have an upright position, although when swimming they assume a more hydrodynamic, forward position. An arched neck positions the head forward, with a characteristic equine shape and an elongated and tubular muzzle. The pectoral fins (if present) are positioned as always after the gill openings, but the particular physical shape makes them look more like equine ears. The back is not very pronounced, with a dorsal fin while the ventral profile is particularly arched. The caudal fin is actually an extension of the body, it is mobile and prehensile, used as a limb and as a support. During swimming it is often rolled up on itself. The whole body is strengthened by a bony armor, in many species enriched with sharp edges and quills that make the seahorse an unappetizing prey. Characteristic are supra-ocular edges and a bony crown around the head. In many species the structure of the bony armor accentuates the already high mimicry of the coloring.

Armada Art nasce nel Novembre del 2014 con l’intento di produrre gioielli custom dall’alto valore artigianale.
Fin dall’inizio abbiamo voluto creare gioielleria di alto livello tecnico e di forte impatto visivo, cercando di soddisfare i nostri clienti con pezzi unici e completamente personalizzati o personalizzabili.
Ogni gioiello è al 100% fatto a mano in Italia senza l’utilizzo di stampa 3d o di stampi prodotti in serie.
Il nostro obiettivo è di produrre gioielli che vengano vissuti come vere e proprie opere d’arte da indossare.