Frankenstein's monster (or creature) is a fictional character conceived by the writer Mary Shelley in the novel Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus of 1818. The character, as well as in the debut novel, appeared as the protagonist or supporting actor in many derivative works such as feature films, television series, comics and genre fiction.
In the collective imagination the creature is remembered for its characteristic appearance which was encoded in the 1931 film of the same name, Frankenstein, by James Whale in which it was personified by Boris Karloff (square face, bolts protruding from the neck, scar along the forehead and more ) with features that were not present in the original novel; in the film, the monster is animated by a bolt of lightning, while in the novel, the scientist never reveals details about the creation. It is often incorrectly called Frankenstein, which is instead the surname of its creator Victor Frankenstein; this use is already found in James Whale's second film, Bride of Frankenstein (1935).
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