Mountain Gorilla
It is a large and strong animal, with a characteristic thick black fur. Despite their size and imposing appearance, gorillas are relatively peaceful and quiet animals. It is rare to see them on two legs: for the most part they are in a clinograda position (inclined forward), and have the characteristic gait of walking on the knuckles. Female gorillas and young males build a nest among the strongest branches of trees, but often not at great heights. The adult males (called silverback for the silver color of the back) instead spend most of their time on the ground, not fearing any danger, guarding the trees where the other members of the pack live. This attitude is distinctive of adult males, and is considered a manifestation of power within the pack.
The gorilla is endowed with remarkable intelligence. One gorilla that has become famous for its intelligence is Koko, raised by researchers Penny Patterson, Carl Pribram, Saul Kitchener and Roger Fouts, who is capable of gesturing and using various human objects.
Gorillas don't have many predators in their habitat. Leopards can sometimes hunt baby gorillas, or even females, but they rarely attack an adult male.

Armada Art nasce nel Novembre del 2014 con l’intento di produrre gioielli custom dall’alto valore artigianale.
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