Walter White is the protagonist of the television series Breaking Bad, a successful product of the American channel AMC. Mr. White is a mild-mannered individual and a wasted talent, a high school chemistry professor who goes unnoticed like so many others, until he is diagnosed with the Big C: cancer. The need to ensure a comfortable future for his wife and children is the immediate thought that forces him to emerge from modesty and show off his talent in a violent, unexpected way. Breaking his role within a company that can no longer help him, he improvises himself as a "cook" of methamphetamines, and is enormously successful, a corrupt success, which he cannot contain. It is here that Mr. White splits up and the character of Heisenberg is born, a pseudonym chosen by the protagonist himself to assert his authority among the criminals who manage the drug dealing.

Armada Art nasce nel Novembre del 2014 con l’intento di produrre gioielli custom dall’alto valore artigianale.
Fin dall’inizio abbiamo voluto creare gioielleria di alto livello tecnico e di forte impatto visivo, cercando di soddisfare i nostri clienti con pezzi unici e completamente personalizzati o personalizzabili.
Ogni gioiello è al 100% fatto a mano in Italia senza l’utilizzo di stampa 3d o di stampi prodotti in serie.
Il nostro obiettivo è di produrre gioielli che vengano vissuti come vere e proprie opere d’arte da indossare.