Plague doctor
Jewel made entirely by hand by the Italian craftsman Gianmarco Fontana. This ring depicting a Bauta is part of the "Ancients" collection.
The Bauta appeared in Venice between the 15th and 16th centuries and is the quintessential Venetian disguise. Of all the masks in Venice, the bauta was the one that had the greatest permission to wander through calli and campi: even in the days of San Marco and the Ascension, for the election of doges and procurators, when other masks were banned.
The mask is generally associated with a long cloak up to the waist, with a tricorn and the actual mask; a peculiarity of the bauta is the deformed and elongated upper lip in order to deform the voice of the wearer, so as not to be recognized. The conformation of the mask also allows you to drink and eat, without being removed, to maintain total anonymity.

Armada Art nasce nel Novembre del 2014 con l’intento di produrre gioielli custom dall’alto valore artigianale.
Fin dall’inizio abbiamo voluto creare gioielleria di alto livello tecnico e di forte impatto visivo, cercando di soddisfare i nostri clienti con pezzi unici e completamente personalizzati o personalizzabili.
Ogni gioiello è al 100% fatto a mano in Italia senza l’utilizzo di stampa 3d o di stampi prodotti in serie.
Il nostro obiettivo è di produrre gioielli che vengano vissuti come vere e proprie opere d’arte da indossare.