The giant panda or greater panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca David, 1869) is a mammal belonging to the Ursidae family. Originally from central China, it lives in the mountainous regions of Sichuan. Towards the second half of the 20th century, the panda became a national emblem in China, and has been featured on Chinese gold coins (Golden Panda series) since 1982. It has also become the symbol of the WWF.
The scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, from the ancient Greek which literally means cat's foot - black white. The term panda most likely derives from the Nepali ponya.
Despite the fact that according to the taxonomy it is a carnivore, its diet is essentially that of a herbivore. In fact, it feeds almost exclusively on bamboo (about 40 kg per day, equal to 45% of body weight). Technically, like many other animals, it is omnivorous (the panda is known to accompany its bamboo meals with eggs, insects and occasionally carrion). His ears move while chewing.
It is distantly related to the red panda (or lesser panda), but the similarity between the two names seems to come more than anything else from the common bamboo-based diet, from the typical black spots around the eyes (similar to human dark circles) and from the so-called "false thumb". Before such a relationship with the lesser panda was discovered in 1901, the giant panda was known to English speakers as Parti-colored bear (literally, "two-colored bear").

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