Velociraptor (whose name means "fast thief" or "fast raptor") is an extinct genus of dromaeosaurid dinosaur that lived in the Upper Cretaceous period, about 75-71 million years ago (Campanian-Maastrichtian), in what is now the desert of the Gobi, Mongolia. The genus currently has two species, although more were recognized in the past: the type series is V. mongoliensis, whose fossils were discovered for the first time in Mongolia. A second species, V. osmolskae, was so named in 2008 based on skull fragments from Inner Mongolia, China.
Velociraptor was smaller than other dromaeosaurids such as Deinonychus and Achillobator. Nonetheless, it shared many of their anatomical traits, being a feathered bipedal carnivore with a long stiff tail, and with a sickle claw on each hind leg, believed to be used in hunting. It differed from other dromaeosaurids by its long, slender skull, with the muzzle turned up.
Velociraptor (commonly abbreviated to "raptor") is one of the dinosaur genres best known to the general public due to its prominent role in the Jurassic Park film series. However, in reality the Velociraptor was about the size of a turkey, considerably smaller than the 2 meter (7 ft) tall and 80 kg heavy reptiles seen in the movies. Velociraptor is also one of the best known dinosaurs to paleontologists, who have discovered more than a dozen skeletons, more than any other dromaeosaurid.

Armada Art nasce nel Novembre del 2014 con l’intento di produrre gioielli custom dall’alto valore artigianale.
Fin dall’inizio abbiamo voluto creare gioielleria di alto livello tecnico e di forte impatto visivo, cercando di soddisfare i nostri clienti con pezzi unici e completamente personalizzati o personalizzabili.
Ogni gioiello è al 100% fatto a mano in Italia senza l’utilizzo di stampa 3d o di stampi prodotti in serie.
Il nostro obiettivo è di produrre gioielli che vengano vissuti come vere e proprie opere d’arte da indossare.